Do I really have to be born again to go to heaven?
There are lots of different teachings out there on how to get to heaven. Some religions say that everybody is going there. Some say, do this or do that, and you will go to heaven. And others say, come and be a member of our church, while others say only 144,000 are going to get in.
So what’s the deal? Is it possible for a person to earn his or her way in? And if so, what must a person DO to get “saved” and go to heaven?
But what does the Bible say about it?
First of all, the Bible is very clear that a person can’t get into heaven on your own no matter what you do or don’t do. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sinners are therefore, doomed for eternity, to an everlasting hell — that is, the majority of sinners (Romans 6:23). BUT, there is ONE, yes, only one, type of sinner who can go to heaven — according to the Bible. That specific sinner is a person who repents of his or her sins, who believes and accepts, and trusts solely in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary. See Romans 5:8.
NOW, Is being Born Again the only way to heaven?, the Biblical answer is a resounding YES! According to the Bible, it is the ONLY way a person can get into heaven. And, just in case someone out there happens to think that they can earn their way into heaven another way? The Bible is clear on that as well, saying that a person can never earn his or her to heaven (Titus 3:5). So then you may ask, is Jesus the ONLY way into heaven? According to the Bible, the answer is also a resounding YES! John 14:6
Now again, what must a person do to get saved? Or, what must a person do to become a Born Again Christian? And will it really matter and make a difference in that person’s life?
Finally, according the Bible in John 3:1-18, there was a high-ranking spiritual Jewish leader named Nicodemus. He came to Jesus at night (no one knows why he came at night) to ask Him a question. Then Jesus, knowing who Nicodemus was, and immediately tells him that he needs to be Born Again or he will NOT be able to enter into heaven. If this was true for Nicodemus, it’s also true for every person like you and me.
Application: No matter who we are, or what our titles are, or what we’ve accomplished in this life, OR even what sins we have committed in this life, unless we are Born Again, the Bible clearly tells us that we can’t get into heaven. Period.
This is the most critical experience every person must have in this life, in order to be saved. Remember, Jesus said to Nicodemus, THREE TIMES, “Nicodemus, you must be born again or you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven” (John 3:3, 5, 7).
God bless,
Doc Justin